Welcome to Ya-Native


Thank you all for your continuing support.

I would like to take this project to the next step and I need your help.

I have been continuously working on this project since January 2010. My goal in the beginning is still the same today. I want the ya-Native website to become the most important website to all Native Americans and their relations.

Phase one:

1. Revamp the Legends of Native America website so everyone to upload their own content.

2. Activate and Populate the Legends of Native America's Podcast.

3. Revamp the Ya-Native website. Implement Drupal 10 (need specialists)

4. Promote the Ya-Native Podcast. Locate some good clients to interview.


I need your financial support in order to take this project to the next level. Please consider becoming a supporter on Patreon.






Greetings and heartfelt appreciation to each and every one of you for your unwavering support.

Within the embrace of the Ya-Native Social Media Network, our purpose unfolds: to illuminate the richness of our Native Cultures and to generously share the sacred treasures of our ancestral traditions with the broader world. As we stand on the threshold of the seventh generation, we must confront a solemn truth - the fabric of our many First Nations, our cultures, faces the peril of irreversible erosion.

Time, relentless and unyielding, etches away at the stories, the songs, the dances, and the artistry that embody the essence of our First Nations heritage, etching deep furrows into our tapestry of existence.

Our most potent and efficacious instrument for safeguarding these invaluable legacies is none other than yourselves - those who seek to journey the path of the 'Red Road.' It is essential to understand that this sacred space is not intended to cause offense; however, much of the content may appear jarring to those yet uninitiated in the profound complexities of our history.

We acknowledge and honor the last five centuries of assimilation, for it is within the crucible of our collective experience that the teachings of our revered elders find their enduring resonance. Should you ever encounter material within this network that stirs discomfort, we implore you to bear in mind that it is never our intention to affront. Instead, we invite you to engage in dialogue and understanding, for it is through unity and shared wisdom that we shall walk the path of healing and cultural reclamation.

In this sacred circle, we unite as one, bound by the thread of heritage and the tapestry of our collective journey.

The Ya-Native Network is community funded. All proceeds are directly invested into the development. When you support the Network you support the following sites as well. It's all operated one individual.

Ya-Native (this page)
Legends of Native America
Indian Residential Schools
Free Leonard Peltier (not enough funding to maintain)
Native American Merchandise
Reamus Wilson
Ya-Native on Wordpress
Ya-Native on site Blog
Ya-Native on Facebook
Ya-Native Podcast
Ya-Native on Twitter
Ya-Native on Linkedin
Ya-Native on Youtube

Here's just a few to mention, There's many more.

All plants are our brothers and sisters. They talk to us and if we listen, we can hear them.

- Arapaho